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Personal Injury Compensation Guide

Compensation After an Accident: Your Guide to Seeking Justice

Personal Injury Compensation Guide One accident can dramatically change your life, bringing physical and emotional pain, often paired with financial turmoil. Getting your life back on track requires knowing your rights and the process of seeking justice after an accident.
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personal injury Compensation

When Can You Seek Compensation for Personal Injury?

Personal injury is the legal term for physical, mental, or emotional injury of an individual, as opposed to injury to property. This injury is a result of the actions of another, whether through negligence or ill intent. Personal injury compensation allows the victim to receive the support they need to recover physically, mentally, or emotionally […]
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Prenuptial and Cohabitation Agreement in BC

10 Things to Think About When You Write a Prenuptial or Cohabitation Agreement in BC

People come together in marriage out of love and a desire to show their commitment to one another, but most realize that not all such unions last. It is therefore wise to safeguard their assets and interests with prenuptial and cohabitation agreements. While couples obviously anticipate remaining together, these legal documents provide clarity and protection […]
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family law agreement

Amicable Divorce vs. Desk Order Divorce vs. Uncontested Divorce – What is the Difference?

The topic of divorce is one that many prefer to avoid as it is complex and typically emotionally charged. The process of ending a marriage frequently sees disagreements and disputes between the separating parties, making it difficult for all involved. For those seeking a divorce in British Columbia, the two types of divorce are contested […]
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  • 250-487-7030
  • 346 Ellis Street, Penticton, British Columbia V2A 4L7

A Covid-19 Update

From Hillside Law Inc.

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