Labour & Employment Law
Your career or job is more than a paycheque. If you have been laid off, fired or affected by a workplace event, you have legal rights. No situation should leave you treated unfairly. Our employment Lawyers can help.
We educate and empower our clients, either directly or through their unions.
Hillside Law Inc is on your side with a team legal experts in Penticton, British Columbia. We’ll help resolve matters through negotiation if possible or by decisive litigation.
If you are preparing to sign an employment agreement, going through a workplace issue that you believe is wrong or illegal, if you have been accused of a breach of duties, or have been terminated, you have rights.
At Hillside Law Inc. our clients only need a short amount of our time for us to assess and help with their situation. We act on your behalf to ensure your rights are protected, and that the treatment you receive is fair, or you are properly and appropriately compensated.
While many of us love what we do for a living, our workplace does not define us. An unlawful work scenario is not always easy to identify. If you are unhappy at work, it can have severe consequences for physical and mental health, put a strain on family of personal relationships, and substandard work performance.
Our team in Penticton is here to support employees by providing them with legal representation and advice on all facets of employment.